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Coconut Matter

Coconut Matter Mood All-Natural, Vegan Deodorant 全天然純素體香膏 - Coconut

Coconut Matter Mood All-Natural, Vegan Deodorant 全天然純素體香膏 - Coconut

Regular price HK$130.00
Regular price HK$150.00 Sale price HK$130.00
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  • Shop all Coconut Matter
  • Coconut: In the mood to go au naturale? Free from essential oils, COCONUT has a hint of coconut scent to complemnet any perfumes. Best for young skin below 7 years of age or hypersensitive skin, COCONUT is free from naturally occurring allergens in essential oils.
  • Coconut: 淡淡的椰子香氣,可以與任何平常慣用的香水做配搭,不含天然精油中可能的過敏原,適合精油敏感者、7歲以下孩童使用。
  • Prevents smelly pits all day! MOOD get rid of odor-causing bacteria, soaks up sweat and promotes healthy skin.
  • 全天防止汗臭味!MOOD 去除致臭細菌,吸收汗水並促進健康肌膚。
  • Comes in 5 profile scents, MOOD leaves you walking like a diffuser.
  • 提供5種獨特香氛,MOOD讓您散發如空氣清新機般的氣息。
  • Zero residues, zero stickiness and zero stains
  • 零殘留、零黏膩、零污漬
  • Stops body odor* & improve underarm's skin health (not many do that!)
  • 阻止體臭*並改善腋下肌膚健康 (並非所有產品都能做到!)
  • Hypoallergenic, Cruelty-free, Vegan, No Aluminium, No Baking Soda, No Parabens, No Silicone, No Phthalates, No Toxins, No Fragrance, No Alcohol, No Plastic
  • 無過敏原、無動物實驗、純素、不含鋁、不含小蘇打、不含對羥基安息香酸酯、不含矽、不含ftalates、無毒素、無香料、無酒精、無塑料
  • How to Use 使用方法
    Get MOOD on before you sweat, so you are ahead of the odour-causing bacteria! Apply 2 to 4 swipes on clean and dry pits.
  • 在流汗前就先塗抹體香膏,能有效對抗產生腋下異味的細菌。使用時在乾且乾淨的腋下塗抹2-4下,用指腹輕輕按壓。
  • Handcrafted in Hong Kong
  • 於香港手工製作
  • Size: 1oz / 30g (1 stick can last up to 5 months)
  • 容量: 1oz / 30g (1件可持續使用5個月)
  • *Natural deodorants won’t stop sweat; they work to prevent body odour when things heat up.
  • *天然除臭產品無法阻止出汗;它們的作用是在激烈運動時預防體臭。
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